Different schools of kashmir Shaivism (trika)

Trika Tantra is a school of Kashmiri Shaivism that emphasizes the concept of non-duality or unity. It holds that everything is a manifestation of the divine and that the ultimate goal of life is to realize this truth. In Trika Tantra there are three main schools, namely:

Pratyabhijna: This school emphasizes the concept of acceptance or realization. It means that the ultimate reality is already within us and we just need to know it. Pratyabhijna also emphasizes the importance of love and devotion in spiritual practice.

Kula: This school emphasizes the idea of ​​spontaneity and direct observation. It holds that the divine is present in all things and that spiritual practice must be built upon the direct experience of this reality. Kula also emphasizes the importance of working with a guru or teacher to guide one’s practice.

Spanda: This school emphasizes the concept of vibration or vibration. It means that the universe is constantly vibrating and God is in this vibration. Spanda also emphasizes the importance of meditation and meditation in spiritual practices. Each of these schools has its own unique way of spiritual practice and realization, but they are all united by the common goal of realizing the ultimate truth of nondualism.

What is pratyabhijna school in trika tantra?

The Pratyabhijna school is one of the three main schools of Trika Tantra, a school of Kashmir Shaivism. Pratyabhijna is a Sanskrit word meaning “recognition” or “cognition”. The Pratyabhijna school emphasizes the idea that the ultimate reality or divine consciousness already exists within us, and the goal of spiritual practice is to recognize or experience this truth. This recognition can be achieved through various means, such as meditation, contemplation, and self-examination.
The Pratyabhijana school also emphasizes the importance of love and devotion in spiritual practice, as these qualities can help us develop a deeper connection with the divine. Furthermore, the school teaches that ultimate reality is not separate from the world of appearances but exists within all things.
Overall, the Pratyabhijana school of Trika Tantra offers a path to self-discovery and realization through recognition of the ultimate reality that already exists within us.

What is the Spanda school of trika tantra??

The Spanda school is one of the three main schools of Trika Tantra, the school of Kashmir Shaivism. The word “Spanda” means vibration or vibration, and the Spanda school focuses on the fundamental vibration or vibration that underlies all of life. According to the Spanda school, the ultimate reality or divine consciousness is not static or static but is constantly oscillating or pulsing.
This rhythm is what creates and sustains the universe, and it is present in all things. The Spanda school teaches that by recognizing and cultivating this resonance, we can achieve a deeper and divine sense of oneness. The Spanda school also emphasizes the importance of meditation and contemplation in spiritual practices, as these practices can help us become mindful of the pulsating reality. Moreover, the school teaches that the divine is not separate from the manifest world, but is present in all things. By recognizing this truth, we can cultivate a sense of respect and awe for the universe as a whole.
Overall, the Spanda School of the Trinity offers a path to self-discovery and realization through recognition of the fundamental vibration or vibration that underlies all of existence By tuning into this vibration, we can experience a deep sense of oneness and oneness with the divine.

What is the kula school in Trika tantra?

The Kula school is one of the three main schools of Trika Tantra, the school of Kashmir Shaivism. The word “Kula” means “family” or “group”, and the Kula school emphasizes the importance of spiritual practice in a community or group setting. According to the Kula school, there is an ultimate reality or divine consciousness in all things, and we can experience this reality through direct consciousness. The school teaches that spiritual practice should be focused on direct attainment of the divine rather than on intellectual understanding or theoretical knowledge.
The Kula school also emphasizes the importance of working with a guru or teacher to guide one through spiritual practice. A guru can provide guidance, help, and spiritual knowledge and strength to the student. In addition, the school teaches that a group or social environment can be a powerful source of support and encouragement for one’s spiritual practice. The Kula school also recognizes the importance of traditional practices such as yoga, meditation, and mantra repetition in spiritual practice. These practices can help calm the mind, open the heart, and create a direct relationship with God.
Overall, the Kula school of Trika Tantra offers a path of self-discovery and realization through direct experience of the ultimate reality within a community or group setting, guided by a guru or teacher.

What is the krama school in trika tantra?

The Krama school is a sub-school of the Kula school, Trika Tantra, one of the three main schools of Kashmir Shaivism. The word “Krama” means “progression” or “succession”, and the Krama school emphasizes progressive spiritual processes that lead directly to ultimate reality. According to the Krama school, there is an ultimate reality or divine consciousness in all things, but it is often obscured by our thoughts, feelings, and attachments.
The school teaches that by gradually purifying the mind and heart through spiritual practices such as meditation, mantra repetition, and self-inquiry, we can remove these blockages and directly experience the divine.
The Krama school also emphasizes the importance of working with a guru or teacher to guide one’s spiritual practice. The guru can provide guidance, support, and spiritual knowledge and strength to the disciple. Additionally, the school teaches that a group or community setting can be a powerful source of support and inspiration for one’s spiritual practice. The Krama school embraces the importance of traditional practices such as yoga, meditation, and mantra repetition, but also emphasizes the use of more advanced practices such as Kundalini yoga and pranayama (breathing exercises). to emphasize the purity of the mind and heart.

Overall, Being a Mouth to ear tradition, Trika Tantra offers a path of self-discovery and realization through a gradual progression of spiritual practices, guided by a guru or teacher and supported by a community or group setting. The emphasis on purification of the mind and heart is seen as essential for the direct experience of the ultimate reality.

Compiled By Amitabh ji
Aum Namaha shivaya
Aum Matreya Namaha

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