Aspects of Shiva and Shakti in Kashmir Shaivism

Trika Shaivism is a tradition of Shaivism that originated in Kashmir, India. It is a complex system of philosophy, yoga, and tantra that seeks to integrate the individual soul with the divine consciousness. The concept of Shiva and Shakti is central to Trika Shaivism, and it is believed that the universe is created through their interaction.

Shiva is often portrayed as the Masculine principle in Trika Shaivism, and Shakti as the feminine principle. However, it is important to note that these are not gender-specific concepts, but rather represent different aspects of the same divine consciousness. Shiva is often depicted as a meditating ascetic, while Shakti is depicted as a fierce warrior goddess.

The concept of Shiva and Shakti in Trika Shaivism is often described through the metaphor of the union of the sun and moon. Just as the sun and moon represent the masculine and feminine principles, respectively, their union results in the creation of the world. Similarly, the union of Shiva and Shakti results in the manifestation of the universe.

According to Trika Shaivism, the universe is created and sustained through the interplay of three chains or bondages known as the three malas. These malas are the impurities that veil the true nature of the individual soul, and they are known as anava mala, maya mala, and karma mala. Anava mala is the sense of individuality or ego, maya mala is the illusion of separateness, and karma mala is the bondage of action and reaction.

The realization of Shiva and Shakti is said to be the key to the liberation from these malas. Shakti represents the dynamic energy that creates and sustains the universe, while Shiva represents the static consciousness that underlies all existence. The union of these two energies is known as the kundalini, which is the dormant energy that lies coiled at the base of the spine.

The awakening of the kundalini is seen as the key to spiritual liberation in Trika Shaivism. When the kundalini is awakened, it rises up through the chakras or energy centers in the body, purifying and energizing them along the way. As it reaches the crown chakra, the individual soul becomes one with the divine consciousness.

The practices of Trika Shaivism, including meditation, yoga, mantra and homa, are designed to awaken the kundalini and facilitate the union of Shiva and Shakti. Through these practices, the individual soul can transcend the limitations of the malas and experience the true nature of the divine consciousness (shiva tattva) and energy (shakti tattva).

In conclusion, the concept of Shiva and Shakti in Trika Shaivism is a simple and multifaceted one that represents the interplay of the consciousness and energy principles being present in the creation and sustenance and reabsorption of the universe. Through the practices of Trika Shaivism, individuals can awaken the kundalini and achieve spiritual liberation by transcending the limitations of the malas and uniting with the divine consciousness.

Aum Namaha shivaya
Aum Matreya namaha


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