What is Trika tantra ?

Trika Tantra is a school of Kashmir Shaivism, which is a philosophical system of non-dualistic spirituality that originated in Kashmir, India. The primary goal of Trika Tantra is to help individuals realize their true nature, which is said to be identical with the divine consciousness.

The preliminary point of Trika Tantra is the recognition of the fundamental unity of all existence. According to Trika Tantra, everything in the universe is an expression of the one divine consciousness, which is known as Shiva. This consciousness is said to be the source of all reality, and everything in the universe is a manifestation of its infinite potential.

To realize this fundamental unity, Trika Tantra offers various spiritual practices, including meditation, mantra recitation, and visualization. These practices are designed to help individuals awaken to the true nature of reality and to experience the divine consciousness directly.

Ultimately, the goal of Trika Tantra is not just intellectual understanding but direct experience of the divine consciousness. Through this experience, individuals can attain liberation from the cycle of birth and death and merge with the divine consciousness, which is the ultimate goal of Trika Tantra.

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